Word Collection

I collect mugs.  I collect shells.  I collect words.   Words are the easiest to find, cheap to obtain, and a joy to put to work later.  Though shells just cost a walk on the beach and a mug of hot chocolate isn’t a bad thing.

These are words and definitions that I have found on Facebook, Pinterest and other places.  I have included the language origins of the words when they are listed in the definition.

The dictionary entries are followed by a list of random word facts that I find in my internet and reading travels. All one of them right now.  That list will grow, too, I’m sure.

Words, Glorious Words….

accismus (n.) feigning disinterest in something while actually desiring it.

aeolist (n.) a pompous person who only pretends to have inspiration or spiritual insight.

aftselakhis (n.) the desire or impulse to do something because someone else doesn’t want you to, usually to get them annoyed or upset.  Yiddish

amaranthine (adj.) undying, immortal; eternally beautiful (adj.) a deep purple-red 

ambisinistrous (adj.) equally clumsy with both hands.

antephialtic (n.) something that protects against nightmares. 

apricity (n.) the warmth of the sun on a cold winter’s day. 

augenblick (n.) lit. “in the blink of an eye”; a ‘decisive moment’ in time that is fleeting, yet momentously eventful and incredibly significant. German

backpfeifengesicht A face badly in need of a fist.  German 

borborygmi (n.) the rumbling sounds your stomach makes

Photo by Sanya Obsivac

Photo by Sanya Obsivac

bibliophile (n.) a lover of books; one who loves to read, admire and collect books. 

clinomania (n.) excessive desire to stay in bed. 

cynefin (n.) a place where a being feels it ought to live.  It is where nature around you feels right and welcoming. Welsh

desenrascanço (n.) the improvisation of haphazard but completely sound solutions at the last minute. Portuguese 

dormiveglia (n.) the space that stretches between sleeping and waking. Italian

doryphore (n.) someone who derives intense satisfaction from pointing out the errors of others.

elysian (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect

espirit d’escalier (.) thinking of a witty comeback when it’s too late. French

fabulist (n.) (1) A liar. (2) A person who invents elaborate and dishonest stories.  (**ahem** is a synonym writer?)

firgun (n.) the act of sharing in or even contributing to someone else’s pleasure or fortune, with a purely generous heart and without jealousy; or of sharing credit fairly.  Hebrew | Origin German

galeanthropy (n.) the delusion that one has become a cat. English

gilgil (n.) the overwhelming urge to squeeze or pinch something that is very cute. Filipino

hiraeth (n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past. 

hygge (n.) the act of relaxing with loved ones and good friends, usually while enjoying food and drink, in a cozy atmosphere. Danish

hobbledehoy  (n.) an awkward teenager; one who is perpetually ungainly and uncertain. 

incalescent (adj.) growing hotter or more ardent; set ablaze. English

induratize (v.) to make one’s own heart hardened or resistant to someone’s pleas or advances, or to the idea of love. English | Origin: Latin

jung (n.) a special feeling, stronger than love, proven by having survived a huge argument with someone

kintsukuroi (n.) (v. phr.) “to repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. 

Photo by Gavin Mills

Photo by Gavin Mills

komorebi (n.) sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees. Japanese

koyaanisqatsi (n.) nature out of balance; a way of life so unbalanced that you need a new way.

kummerspeck (n.) excess weight gained from emotional overeating.  Literally, grief bacon.  German

la douleur exquise (n.) the exquisite pain of wanting the affection of someone you know you can never have. French

lalochezia (n.) the emotional relief gained from using abusive or profane language. 

lethologica (n.) when you think of something but the word for it escapes you.

liefdesverdriet (n.) the sadness, depression or pain one feels about a love unanswered or love that is gone.  Dutch

mencolek (v.) to tap lightly on the opposite shoulder from behind to fool someone. Indonesian

mutterseelenallein (adj.) to be so utterly and extremely alone and lonely that no one could even find you or reach for you, physically and mentally; lit. “mother-soul-alone” German 

nakama (n.) a very good friend or comrade that one considers as family, even if they’er not necessarily related. Japanese

neologize (v.) to make or use new words or create new meanings for existing words.

nyctophilia (n.) love of darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness. 

obdurate (adj.) (1) unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn. (2) stubbornly resistant to moral influence; refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action. 

oeillade (n.) an amorous glance; ogle

ostranenie (n.) encouraging people to see common things as strange, wild, or unfamiliar; defamiliarizing what is known in order to know it differently or more deeply. 

pelinti (v.) moving very hot food around in your mouth.   Ghanaian

petrichor (n.) the scent of rain on dry earth. 

pluviophile (n.) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. 

Photo by Shirley B

Photo by Shirley B

quaintrelle (n.) a woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm and cultivationof life’s pleasures. 

resfeber (n.) the restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; a ‘travel fever’ that can manifest as an illness. Swedish

sankofa (phr.) lit. “to go back and fetch it”; we must go back and reclaim our past so we can move forward, and we can understand why and how we came to be who we are today.  Akan

saudade (n.) a strong feeling of missing someone you love.   Portuguese

sehnsucht (n.) “the inconsolable longing inthe human heart for we know not what”; a yearning for a far, familiar, non-earthly land one can identify as one’s home. 

serein (n.) the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night; evening serenity. French

shemomedjamo (n.) the act of continuing to eat, though full, because of the delicious taste of the food.  Georgian

solivagant (adj.) wandering alone.

sophrosyne (n.) a healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one’s true self, and resulting in true happiness. Greek


Photo by Dan Wenger

Photo by Dan Wenger

tükörsima (adj.) lit. “as smooth as the surface of the mirror”; describes a still water which has unbroken surface, neither by wind nor by some object or animal. Hungarian

vemod (n.) a tender sadness or pensive melancholy; the calm feeling that something emotionally significant is over and never will be back. Swedish

wabi-sabi (n.) a way of living that emphasizes finding beauty in imperfection and accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay.   Japanese

yakamoz (n.) the reflection of the moon as it shines upon the water. Turkish

zweisamkeit (n.) the harmonious, often romantic togetherness of two people; a feeling of closeness or affection from being together with someone.  German

Word Nerd Tidbits

abstemious and facetious
The two most commonly used English words that have all the vowels in the correct order. 



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